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St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum)St. John's wort is named after St. John the Baptist, whose feast day falls on June 24th according to the Catholic calendar: the time of year when St. John's wort flowers typically bloom and are optimal to harvest according to European herbal lore. It is an herb with a rich history since the times of ancient Greece, yet the properties of the flower essence are only now being discovered. In Ava's herbal practice, she uses her handmade St. John's wort essence in custom combinations for pre-surgery emotional preparation, post-surgery recovery, sunburn, eczema, blends for internal use in cases of slow-healing wounds, and to foster skin healing.Beyond the practical herbalism for physical concerns, there is a theme in herbal literature across many cultures that links St. John's wort with protection from anything bad: bad luck, death, evil. It is always worth considering St. John's wort essence if someone is particularly afraid of bad luck or of a mean-spirited individual in their life or community, or is overly worried about a possible bad outcome of their situation.IndicationsVulnerable to negative psychic energies, or particularly worried about or afraid of evil, bad people, negative astral influences, ghosts, or apparitions; seeking psychic protection; jealous. Emotional and spiritual effectsSt. John's wort is an essence to consider to alleviate fears of evil, witchcraft, a negative outcome, ghosts, bad dreams, or bad luck. It is an essence of protection. Many also find this essence dissolves feelings of jealousy. Physical planeFor physical concerns, St. John's wort flower essence is particularly called for when someone is expecting a surgery, for post-surgery recovery and healing, for chronic skin issues that are related to poor ability of the skin to heal, and also for acute skin-related issues such as recovery from sunburn or another burn. 15 ml Stock Bottle - $25How to use:Take 4 drops directly on the tongue, or in water, whenever the soul calls. You can also tap into your pulse points or directly on your heart.This is a Vibrational Remedy. Such medicine incorporates the use of chi energies within living organisms such as plants, gemstones and crystals, water, sunlight, and even the foods we eat. Everything we see and touch around us has a consciousness. We need look no further than the planet on which we live to take advantage of its natural vibrational remedies to help us balance the energies within our own bodies.This essence is stock-bottle strength. You can take this directly, or further dilute in a dosage bottle. Making a dosage bottle from your stock bottle will extend the life of your essences. Just add 1-7 drops of your stock bottle to another bottle, and then fill that new bottle with 50% alcohol, or vinegar (to preserve) and 50% water. Each stock bottle contains about 250 drops... that’s the possibility of hundreds of dosage bottles! The further a vibrational remedy is diluted, the further the vibrations will spread. Think of a leaf falling into a pond. The vibrations ripple through the water much further than the little leaf could actually touch. This is how vibrational remedies work! 

St. John’s Wort Flower Essence

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