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BLOOM Bath soaks - muslin pouches filled with herbal bath soaks, to be used in a full bath or footbath. (A potent blend of Dead Sea Salt, Black Hiwa Kai Sea Salt, Magnesuim Chloride Flakes, Magnesium Sulfate (epsom salt), Rose flowers and petals, Jasmine buds, neroli and rose essential oil (CPTG) ).


🌝 Dead Sea Salt is a dry, natural white crystal harvested from the Southern Dead Sea, where the concentration of minerals are the highest. This extraordinary composition has made the Dead Sea an ideal spot for people seeking relief and relaxation. In fact, these soothing waters have a reputation that dates back over 2000 years. Dead Sea Salt is the most therapeutic of bath salts and very gentle on the skin.


🌝 Hiwa Kai Sea Salt is a unique Hawaiian black lava salt- a solar evaporated Pacific Sea Salt combined with activated charcoal, giving it the stunning black color and silky texture. The charcoal complements the natural sea salt flavor, giving it a bold and unique taste with smoky overtones while also promoting detoxifying health benefits.


🌝 Rose embues self-love and compassion, Rose supports us to honor ourselves and reminds us of the healing that nature's beauty and our own inner beauty can provide to us. It can be used to help heal a broken heart, to find calm after trauma and emotional upheaval, give love and self-care, and provide us with a feeling of warm comfort


🌝 Jasmine used in a spiritual bath can help create a sacred and serene space conducive to inner exploration and self-discovery.


Just put 1/4 to 1/2 of the pouch in your bath and swish until it dissolves. ( extra pouch included for convenience) The herbs will infuse into the hot water the longer it sits. Your tub will stay clean and your body and mind will be relaxed and restored.


Spiritual Soaks can be done in a foot bath format if you don’t have access to a full sized bath tub. Spiritual baths coupled with any inner work packs a powerful healing punch. Spiritual Baths are a ritual, intended for spiritual hygiene, to cleanse your personal energy body, and revitalize your subtle senses. The end result of a spiritual bath is refreshing, rejuvenating, and a deeper sense of inner peace.


Set aside 20-60 minutes of uninterrupted time to devote to this practice.


Set The Space

Always start with a clean space. Clean your tub, straighten your counter tops, and make room for the things you want to be surrounded by during this practice. Anything you bring into this practice such as plants, crystals, or candles should be intentionally picked to invoke a sense of your intended energy cleanse. Choose a scent you want the air to be filled with during your spiritual bath; whether that’s diffusing essential oils, lighting some candles, or burning incense. It’s totally up to you, just make sure it’s a scent that makes you feel good or that is associated with how you want to feel.


Crystals can be added to your bath experience.


Choose a sound to play. Listening to calming meditation music or frequencies such as binaural beats or shamanic drum tracks can really deepen your practice. You want to stay away from songs that have lyrics, think instrumentals- piano, wind instruments, singing bowls, acoustic guitars, etc. Pick something that gives you a sense of calm when you hear it and set the volume to a comfortable and peaceful level.


You can add or subtract anything from what’s mentioned already, trust your intuition and bring in or take out what you feel called to. Always think in terms of what makes you feel good when you set your space up. Feel free to use Sage and Palo Santo during any part of the process.


Fill the tub with warm water for your comfort.


Just put the whole pouch in your bath and swish until it dissolves. The herbs will infuse into the hot water the longer it sits. Your tub will stay clean and your body and mind will be relaxed and restored.

Spiritual Soak - BLOOM

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