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All jasper stones are believed to assist you in feeling less overwhelmed by negativity, and more confident in your joy. But ibis jasper provides additional healing properties so that you feel calm and nurtured by its soft energy presence. Not like red jasper, which will excite and spurn on the spirit to pursue new passions, ibis jasper is a stone more suited to easing restless thoughts within the mind. It helps you to alleviate worries or anxiety by focusing on the simplicity of the moment.

An easy exercise to try with ibis jasper healing properties, is to sit in a peaceful area of your home, and hold the stone in your hand for 11 minutes. Do this when you are feeling isolated, depressed, lonely, anxious or stressed out. Allow your body to sync with the energy of the ibis jasper stone, and visualize yourself inhaling it’s restorative energy, and exhaling the toxic negativity that you feel. It’s important to give yourself the full 11 minutes or more to experience settling into the relaxing vibes of ibis jasper. 

One Ibis Jasper Palmstone

“Ibis Jasper” the Madagascar version of brecciated jasper is named after a waterfowl crane-like bird from Egypt. The markings on the Ibis Jasper resemble the feathers of this bird. The Ibis bird is associated with the Egyptian deity Thoth, the god of wisdom, scribes, magic, and record keeping. Symbolically, it allows one to access ancient knowledge, akashic records, and allows one to communicate messages from Spirit, or to enhance intuition. 

Ibis Jasper goes through an intense process of being broken apart, and then mends itself using other materials from the Mineral Kingdom. Therefore, metaphysically, Ibis Jasper is helpful with PTSD, recovery after truma, support during stressful times, the push to integrate any energetic work, upgrades, and helpful in breaking through energetic blockages. It is actually helpful in healing any fractures within the body systems. For those that have undergone fractures from dark times in their lives, from traumatic events, or from “soul loss”, this stone will allow one to integrate all the missing pieces back into their lives. It is a spectacular spiritual ally in any shadow work. 

Ibis Jasper shows us that when we fracture, we are given an opportunity to really get to know ourselves, and our own nature, through the discovery process where we learn that we are not what happened to us, not embodying the pain and suffering of the events that we have endured. It is through those experiences that we learn to accept our light by passing through the shadow lands.

One small Ibis Jasper Palmstone will be intuitively chosen. 

Ibis jasper benefits are thought to guide you to a perspective that is less focused on absolute perfection, and more able to find happiness and contentment in what you have. If your perfectionist tendencies are beginning to inhibit your joy, you need to work with ibis jasper to shift your perception away from flaws, and toward more positive aspects. The nurturing quality of the stone that assures your spirit there is light even during dark moments, can feel like receiving a hug from the universe. It’s this quality that makes ibis jasper such an asset to your spiritual wellbeing.

Ibis Jasper Small Palmstone

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