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Choose 1 or 2 oz bottle.

This recipe contains:

Coriander, Cumin, Fennel, Ginger, Orange Peel, Organic Alcohol, and Apple Cider Vinegar

Bitters supports digestion of food. They are touted with being able to soothe the walls of the GI, ease cramping in the intestine, relieve gas, relieve an upset stomach, They can have a calming effect on the nervous system. They can be created to support the cardiovascular system, skin, digestive system, and that is just the beginning.

As quickly as humanity learned poisonous plant properties, beneficial cures were learned as well. Throughout the history of the world, bitters were used as tonics, digestive and metabolic aids, as well as an anti-inflammatory medicinals. Egyptian priests used bitters in food, rolled into medicinal pills, or mixed in wine. The monks throughout the Middle Ages gardened rue, tansy, wormwood, dandelion, yellow dock, burdock, and more to develop formulas to treat the ailing population. Asian populations incorporated bitter roots like burdock along with bitter fruit peels into their diets as a tonic. The list goes on.


One dropperfull 3 times daily, especially before meals.

Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature, in a cool, dark place.

Herbal Digestive Bitters

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