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Fairy spoons are very delicate, please hand wash in mild soap and gently towel dry. Avoid soaking in the sink for any reason, as this may damage your spoon.

Your spoon can be charged or cleared with sage, or sun or moonlight. Do this as needed.

You can set an intention on your spoon and then stir your drink clockwise while meditating on the desired outcome Likewise, you can stir your drink counterclockwise to focus your energy on letting go/ releasing of something.

If your spoon becomes damaged from normal use, glue or wire comes loose, you can attempt to repair your spoon or you can send it back to me. For repair. You just need to pay shipping both ways.

Your Fairy Spoon Features:

🌳 Branch Design: Represents branching out, growth, expansion. The branches begin as small buds and extend upwards, reaching the sun and sky. Just as this tree people grow over time and strive for greater knowledge and new experiences. Trees can withstand the strongest storms, which is why they are such a prominent symbol of strength.

🌹Floral Design: Represents creativity and attraction. From new life to death, from purity to passion, flowers have had many meanings in myths and legends. Swelling from tender bud to full bloom, flowers are associated with youth, beauty, and pleasure.

🌞 Gold: Gold is illuminating, sacred, durable; it is precious. It is almost universally associated with the SUN, or the highest stage in spiritual development.

🌝 Silver: Silver is believed to be a mirror to the soul, helping us to see ourselves as others see us. Silver is associated with the moon and represents hope, unconditional love, meditation, mystic visions, tenderness, kindness, sensitivities, and psychic abilities.

🌍 Copper: Copper symbolizes healing and magic.

When you need healing, copper is a precious metal to grant your desire. Because of its close connection with mother earth, it can pull out healing powers for your benefit.

🧠 Brass is known as a “problem-solving” metal. It's often thought to symbolize the vitality of the human mind and the regaining of one's mental capabilities.

🏅 Bronze has meaning and properties of blooming your sleeping talents. It is an amulet that can let you perform all of your potential skills. You would gain the power to overcome a huge wall. It is also good to use when you want successful results or self-confidence. It is an amulet that can clean all the negative energy inside you and making thoughts positive. It would prevent you from being crushed by big stress. Bronze is useful when you need a flow of good luck.

🔑 Key symbolism: a key is an opener of locks. Whether it's a door, a treasure chest, or the metaphorical heart, keys let us into unknown worlds. Keys symbolize freedom, they open things up and lock precious things away.

⭐️ Star Symbolism: Pythagoras is a well known Greek philosopher from c. 500 BC who used the 5-pointed star (pentagram) as a symbol which was later used to symbolize humankind. The five points represent earth, wind, fire, water, and spirit.

Dragonfly Symbolism: Dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realization. The change that is often referred to has its source in mental and emotional maturity and understanding the deeper meaning of life.

🐝 Bee Symbolism: Bee symbolism and meanings include focus, dedication, hard work, teamwork, fertility, prosperity, and generosity.

🪶 Feather Symbolism: It symbolizes trust, honor, strength, wisdom, power, and freedom

👼 Angel Wing Symbolism: The angel wing is very special as it is a symbol of angels who symbolize protection, purity, courage, love harmony, and protection. They provide us with happiness, hope, and faith. It is believed that angels reside in heaven and it is said that everyone has a guardian angel of their own.

🦉 Owl Symbolism: People generally consider owl as symbols of wisdom and knowledge, thanks to the endless owl mythology and folklore references. Owl symbolism can also mean transition and time.

🧚‍♀️ Pink Aura Quartz has a unique ability to work with individuals at their level, advancing one toward higher spiritual cognition. This treated stone works well with the heart chakra as well as other upper chakras including the soul star chakra. By infusing the body and energy field with pure love, Pink Aura Quartz offers an ability to manifest and accept pure love in the physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies. This stone also connects to the angelic realm, repairs holes in the etheric shield and offers a sense of balanced and highly charged well-being.

🧚‍♀️Aqua Aura is called both a success stone and an abundance stone. It is said to attract success to all who use or carry it, and help them understand that it is indeed success. Aqua Aura can bring prosperity, even possibly wealth.

This crystal can stimulate your throat chakra, which will enhance your communication. If you have always found it a struggle to verbalize your thoughts, or to speak up when the opportunity is right there in front of you, aqua aura quartz can help you communicate effectively.

🧚‍♀️Sunshine Quartz Point: Sunshine Aura Quartz is beneficial for multidimensional cellular memory, and as an efficient receptor programming.

It assists you in raising your frequency bringing in more positivity and joy. It helps you see the world in a more positive light and restores self-confidence. It releases past traumas and protects you from future trauma. If you want more happiness in your life, this is the stone to have on hand.

🧚‍♀️Shell concretion stone: shells are usually perceived as feminine; a symbol of birth, good fortune, and resurrection. Bivalved mullusks represent the womb and fertility. The broken pieces of shells held together by resin show us how healing is possible for any situation and that beauty can be born out of trauma.

🧚‍♀️ Titanium ‘Rainbow’ Aura is also called the ‘Stone of Universal Light.’ These blue oily rainbows activate, balance, and cleanse all major chakras. It is an energy amplifier, enhancing creativity and psychic powers.

🧚‍♀️ Apple Aura is a stunning delicate pale yellow/green crystal which gives you a more positive outlook on life and helps you to become emotionally stable. It promotes mental endurance and stops outside forces from draining your mojo.

🧚‍♀️ Copper Aura builds a bridge between the physical and the spiritual and being an incredible conductor also means that it is well-versed in lending light and channeling higher beings and astral bodies to those who are poised and ready to receive. Copper can help to clear out negative energy and can rebalance the chakras so you are well-placed to receive all the goodness the spirit world has to offer.

🧚‍♀️ Clear Quartz is all about spiritual growth, it loves enticing you to look deep. It's a crystal that connects with all the chakras, clearing out blockages.



Custom Collectible Faerie Spoon

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