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Mugwort tincture, one oz dropper bottle. Use 1 dropperful as needed or as directed by your practitioner. Add to tea or juice or under the tongue for best results.

The information presented here is in no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical treatment. You should always consult with your physician or other health care professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, beginning any diet, nutrition or fitness plan or adopting any treatment for a health problem.

Mugwort is an ancient plant used in traditional European and Asian medicine. It is best known for its actions as an aromatic bitter, which increases digestion and enhances nutrition by stimulating digestive and bile secretion. It helps to relieve gas, ease cramps, increase the appetite and cleanse the bowels.

Mugwort is also associated with menstruation. It increases circulation to warm up the uterus and pelvic region, move the blood, remove stagnant blood (the source of cramps, stiffness and pain) and regulate hormone levels. Some use it as a general menstrual cramp regulator (particularly for congestive cramps with symptoms of feeling heavy, thick, pain in the lower back and general stagnancy) or for violent cramps.

Mugwort is mildly stimulating to the nervous system, reducing tension and increasing circulation and nutrition in the nerves and muscles.

In Chinese medicine, fibers from mugwort leaf are rolled into moxa sticks and burned as moxibustion. The sticks are placed over cold, stiff joints to increase warmth and circulation. Applied closer to the skin, the sticks are used to cause blistering and burning to draw blood to the surface of the skin and to draw toxins out of the connective tissue in the joints. Applied further away, the area of the body warmed draws blood into the connective tissue to strengthen the joints.

Mugwort can cause an allergic reaction to those with sensitivities to plants in the Asteraceae family. It should not be used during pregnancy as it stimulates the uterus.

Mugwort Tincture (Double Extraction)

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