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Chamomile Glycerite 2oz bottle (at least 60 adult doses)

Sunny chamomile is a gentle friend that helps us relax both our minds and our bodies. She’s especially useful for anyone feeling grumpy or irritable. Chamomile can help you handle overstimulation and digestive upsets, especially when those issues are caused or compounded by stress. Chamomile has been used for centuries to soothe grumpy or upset children and babies, giving frazzled mothers some peace of mind, but make sure to consult a healthcare practitioner who is experienced with herbs before giving any new herb to your child.

Something everyone should have stocked in their medicine cabinet; Chamomile is one of the gentlest yet most powerful little flowers out there. This alcohol-free formula was created for both children and adults to benefit from. It’s calming, tummy soothing properties and it’s delicious taste are some of the main reasons why everyone loves this herb.

Some therapeutic benefits of using this glycerite:

may ease pain such as headaches and menstrual cramps

calms the nervous system and reduces anxiety, irritability, restlessness, hyperactivity, nervousness, and insomnia

addresses digestive discomfort (colic, indigestion, nausea, IBS)

helps to treat leaky gut by tending to the gut lining and acidity levels within the stomach

can reduce inflammation in the body

can aid in the healing of mouth or canker sores

can be used topically for skin irritation—eczema or other rashes, bug bites

This sweet tasting formula wonderfully compliments any tea or tincture, especially ones that don’t taste the best on their own!

Try a few drops of the glycerite at first, increasing dosage to two dropperfuls if needed as your relationship with this herbal ally develops. Chamomile is a gentle herb that can be used throughout the day.

We recommend consulting your healthcare professional before engaging with new herbal allies, but chamomile is known to be safe for people at all stages of life, including children and pregnant or nursing women.

Use a dropperful as needed in teas, warm water, or another beverage as needed.

How To Take

Shake bottle well, open and squeeze the dropper bulb once.

Release the recommended serving (as per practitioner instructions ) into at least 2 oz. of water or juice.

The information presented here is in no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical treatment. You should always consult with your physician or other health care professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, beginning any diet, nutrition or fitness plan or adopting any treatment for a health problem.

Chamomile Glycerite

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