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Benzoin is the sap (gum resin) of trees that belong to the Styrax species.

People take benzoin by mouth for swelling (inflammation) of the throat and breathing passages.

Some people apply it directly to the skin to kill germs, reduce swelling, and stop bleeding from small cuts. Benzoin is also used topically for skin ulcers, bedsores, and cracked skin. In combination with other herbs (aloe, storax, and tolu balsam), benzoin is used as a skin protectant. This combination is known as “compound benzoin tincture.”

By inhalation, benzoin is used to treat hoarseness (laryngitis), croup, and other respiratory conditions.

In dentistry, benzoin is used for swollen gums and herpes sores in the mouth.

How does it work?

There is some evidence that benzoin might act as a skin protectant, and also help to break up chest congestion by thinning mucous and making it easier to cough up (expectorant).

Swelling (inflammation) of the throat and airways.

Hoarseness (laryngitis).


Skin ulcers.


Cracked skin.

Benzoin (Styrax benzoin)

Spiritual Properties: Comforting, Cushioning, Protective

Energetic Properties: Prosperity, Purification, New Beginnings, Communication, Speeding things up, Connection to Spirit and ancestors.

Spiritually, Benzoin is the holder of energies and fire of the sunlight, and is a joyous gift of the Universe. It comforts and cushions the soul allowing it to receive from the spirit. It helps guide the spirit to the protective inner sanctum of the soul.

Benzoin tells us not to dismiss things that are difficult or confusing, but to be guided by them. Benzoin offers us guidance to the pathway of inner enlightenment.

Benzoin Absolute Oil enables the spirit to receive blessings. It enables us to learn the joy in receiving as well as in giving, and of the interchange of spiritual energy that takes place. BenzoinAbsolute Oil is one of the Angelic Fragrances,

In Malaysia, Benzoin is used to deter bad spirits. In Java, Fishermen burn Benzoin before entering the dark coastal caves where fish gather. Benzoin is also used in elixirs to prolong lifespan in some areas of religion.

Energetically, diffuse Benzoin to clear and purify the home. For prosperity, blend 4 drops Basil Oil, 7 drops Benzoin Absolute, and 4 drops Cinnamon Essential Oil with 1 oz. Carrier Oil of your choice.

Feminine Energies: Benzoin Essential Oil is warming and energizing. It’s like wrapping up against the storm, or like eating chocolate. It penetrates the emotional shield and can provoke erotic thoughts.

BenzoinAbsolute Oil has a warming, vanilla scent It blends well with other resinous oils, such as frankincense and myrrh, and with sandalwood, cedarwood, vetiver, and patchouli, as well as with citrus essential oils. It has long been used in incense and as a preservative in cosmetics. It aids with dry skin and oily facial skin. It is relaxing, calming, and grounding. Perfect for the bath, massage oil blends, and creams.

Scent Characteristics: Rich, sweet, vanilla-like.

Benzoin Absolute 100% Pure Organic Essential Oil

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