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Naturopathic Wellness Virtual Courses

Empower yourself with courses that will change the way you approach life.

Take a deep dive into a newly released live beta courses, where you will have the opportunity to co-create the learning experience with me, or check out my self paced courses, and enjoy lifetime access to the juicy, life changing content.


5 Elements Course

**This Course is a prerequisite for all other courses that I offer. 

It ALL starts here!  The 5 Elements Masterclass is the foundational prerequisite for all courses.  


In ancient times people were very in tune with the natural cycles of the seasons, times of the day, and how they related to the mind, body, and spirit. Did you know each organ in the body actually has related tastes, times of the year, and emotions that make working with it even more potent? This is the study of the five elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


Have you ever wondered why you struggle with certain emotions like depression or anxiety during certain times of the year, or lung and skin issues during the fall or why you get low energy and libido in the winter? I’m here to teach you the basics of the five elements so you can start working on opening your meridians and understanding how to determine blockages in flow and address them.

In this masterclass, I will show you an entirely new way of looking at the body using the 5 elements of TCM. You will walk away from this Masterclass with a new ability to notice your symptoms from the language of Chinese Medicine, and be able to use the 5 element system to work on restoring flow and balance to your body.

Your investment for the course is $55 and about 3-5 hours.



This course is complete with a facebook community for support and is self paced.  You will learn the general structure of the 5 elements, complete your own personalized 5 element document, and take a quiz to move on to the next course.  


The five elements of TCM is my passion. I love using it with my patients and teaching it so people can take control of their own health. This is the perfect first step to take in learning the basics without being too overwhelmed, however you will get some really juicy content and some ideas for what essential oils you can use for each element. This Masterclass is truly the foundation of everything else I teach and I think everyone should have a basic working knowledge of these principles.


If you have been intrigued when I talk about TCM in my posts, this is a fantastic opportunity to learn more, at your pace, with a small investment in time and money. 


Detox Masterclass


Detox is a word you see thrown around everywhere you look.


It shouldn’t make you feel like crap. Headaches, diarrhea, and low energy shouldn’t be part of it if you’re doing it right.

It’s not all about green juices and salads either.


Your investment for amazing health is only $139


Learn why we need to do daily detoxing and how it can be an easy, fun part of your life.  


You will receive an ebook with directions for everything from castor oil packs to yoni steams to breathing exercises and more once you complete the course.   Plus - I have created preferred shopping lists for all the modalities I teach in the course to make your journey super easy.  


You will learn why it’s important to detox and all of the modalities available to help you open up your detox pathways and actually get the crud out of your body instead of reabsorbing it, which is exactly what is happening when you’re experiencing “detox symptoms” like headaches and fatigue.


Practical QRA

(Quantum Reflex Analysis)

$129 Beta version

I’ve been talking about teaching this FOR YEARS.


The time has finally arrived.


Do you want to know what foods, what oils, what choices to make for your body? How about what to choose for your children, pets, and spouse? It’s not only possible, it’s easy once you learn.


Amanda Sibilia and I will teach you how easy this powerful modality can be to use in your daily life for literally everything. 

You’ll learn how to ask your body what organs need help, and what items your body needs to reconnect broken “circuits” to regain optimal health.


You’ll learn how to use this for yourself and easily teach others to do the same. Because it’s that teachable. You’ll also learn how to use a surrogate for times when it’s needed, such as testing babies, pets, and people across the country.

If you think this is just another type of muscle testing, get ready to be blown away. This is the most potent form of kinesiology in existence, based on the bi-digital O ring technique that is the only patented form of muscle testing available. And it’s so easy to learn, you can teach anyone.


For those recommending oils, this will tell you which oil to use for which organ in question down to the exact dose. You’ll even know exactly where to apply them for maximum benefit.

You do not want to miss out on this. The live Beta version of this course will be available as self paced but only offered to a limited number of participants.


Since we almost sold out the FIRST weekend, we made the call to open up more time and more seats to double the amount of students. The course is available for $129 in this run as a Beta. When we reopen the course after the beta completes, we’ll likely be charging $599 for this life changing content.


You will get access to all the material, reference materials, videos, and a Facebook support community plus a 2 hour live masterclass and access to Amanda Sibilia and Michelle Markham to have your questions answered and create confidence in your abilities in this life changing technique!



Register now. This WILL sell out!


TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Basics Beta Course

$779 / Beta course
**Future versions of the class after the Beta is complete will be $997

Did you know your body speaks to you every minute of the day and night?

It’s true.  Your body speaks to you in a language that is easy to understand when you learn to speak it.  Every emotion, every sensation, every discomfort, is your body’s way of communicating to you.  

What is in excess, what is deficient, what’s stuck?  Your body wants you to know.  

Our bodies are equipped with 12 main meridians, or subtle electrical systems, that have very specific associations with the seasons, times of day, emotions, body parts, tastes, colors, and more.  By understanding these intricacies, we can easily become fluent in the language our body speaks, and in turn, respond appropriately to create health and harmony within ourselves.

As a an expert translator of the subtle (and not so subtle) messages the body sends out, Dr.  Michelle Markham will teach you the basics of each of the 12 main meridians in the Beta Course, TCM Basics.  

Here’s what you’ll master in this 12 week course:


  • The name location and master points of the 12 main Meridians.

  • An understanding of each of the Meridian pairs in TCM 5 element theory

  • How to recognize discomforts and complaints in the body and connect the dots to the underlying cause of the discomfort

  • What foods, activities, and environmental specifics balance or imbalance each element, creating health or disease

  • Characteristics of foods, herbs and essential oils to use in conjunction with the meridians for the best health and emotional state of your life

  • How to honor the seasons and times of day by adjusting your lifestyle and synching up with nature to stay in the flow rather than struggling against what is natural for us

  • As a Beta Course participant, YOU are part of the creation process of this course.  This is the one and only time this particular course will be taught live and one-on-one with Dr.  Markham.  Your participation in the weekly live calls and community discussion threads, will help shape this course into the final version it will become for future students.


Beta Course Investment:

$779 one-time payment, please check out below with PayPal button

Or four monthly payments $222 each, please contact Dr. Markham to make arrangements.

Future version of the class, after the Beta is complete will be $997


Generational Healing Beta 2.0

$349 early bird pricing

Are you ready to start heal the generational patterns that are stopping you from greatness?

Addiction, anger, abuse, self worth, lack , martyrdom, victimhood, negativity- these are all issues that can be arrested and removed from your family lines. If this resonates with you, it is likely that YOU are the one who agreed to do this sacred work.


I’m launching a 8 week* beta course set to run early fall 2019. Early bird pricing is $349



Prerequisite - 5 Elements Masterclass

Recommended - TCM Basics, Practical QRA



Early bird pricing - $349
Regular tuition - $779

  • The Health Experts with Dr. Michelle
  • Essential Oil Tips & Recipes
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  • The Health Experts with Dr. Michelle
  • Essential Oil Tips & Recipes
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© 2019 Geneysis  Naturopathic Clinic.

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